Policy brief: Mainstreaming gender/Women Migrant Workers issues into the National Strategy for Vocational Education and Training Development (2021-2030) of Viet Nam
In ILO Viet Nam, there have been strong collaboration efforts between with the ILO/G20 Training Strategy Project and the Safe and Fair Project to advocate for the inclusion of gender responsiveness, women’s rights and needs of women migrant workers’ and other vulnerable groups in the upcoming Strategy for Vocational Education and Training Development 2021-2030 which is being drafted under the coordination and leadership of the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) of the MOLISA.
The Safe and Fair Project, in particular, focuses on addressing the needs of women especially women migrant workers and women in informal employment in this policy document while advocacy interventions of the G20 project target other marginalized groups such as people with disabilities and ethnic minority groups. The interventions on gender equality, gender and labour migration are in line with Viet Nam’s commitments on these issues through ratification of International Labour Standards, UN CEDAW and at ASEAN level The Safe and Fair Project, in particular, focuses on addressing the needs of women especially women migrant workers and women in informal employment in this policy document while advocacy interventions of the G20 project target other marginalized groups such as people with disabilities and ethnic minority groups. The interventions on gender equality, gender and labour migration are in line with Viet Nam’s commitments on these issues through ratification of International Labour Standards, UN CEDAW and at ASEAN level