Environmental remediation of dioxin contaminated hotspots in Viet Nam
The “Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contaminated Hotspots in Viet Nam” project was carried out in Bien Hoa (BH), Binh Dinh (BD) and Da Nang from 2010. The communication component of the project aimed to disseminate knowledge on dioxin and dioxin exposure prevention (DEP) measures to residents of local communities and was carried out in parallel with other dioxin remediation activities. This knowledge dissemination was initially done via national and international workshops in all three locations. The information presented in these workshops was targeted at both high-level government officials and international attendees. The information was largely confined to technical information about dioxin remediation, rather than information about DEP. Therefore, a communication component (CC) for communities in the hotspots was conducted by Office 33 in four wards near the BH airbase from November 2013. This endline survey will focus on evaluating the CC, including a comparison between results achieved in BD and an initial baseline survey.