Comprehensive report: Agent orange/dioxin contamination at 3 hotspots: Bien Hoa, Da Nang & Phu Cat

Office of National Steering Committee 33, in cooperation with national and international experts, published the first edition of “Comprehensive Report Agent Orange/Dioxin Contamination at three hotspots: Bien Hoa, Da Nang, Phu Cat Airbases” in 2011. This Comprehensive Report summarizes results from valuable reports carried out by Ministry of National Defense, Office 33, Committee 10-80, Hatfield Consultant, USAID and other related sectors.
From 2011 to present, some additional researches and environmental remediation activities have been conducted in hotspots; for examples: research on 7 former airports by Vietnam Ministry of National Defense; additional study on dioxin contamination in Bien Hoa and Phu Cat Airbases by Dioxin Project (GEF/UNDP funded); study on dioxin contamination in the vicinities of Bien Hoa Airbase by DONRE, Dong Nai province, and other researches.
In order to keep sharing information, Office of National Steering Committee 33 and UNDP agreed to update and edit this Comprehensive Report. We hopefully expect that this new edition will serve as a useful source of information scientists and authorities who are interested in Agent Orange/Dioxin issue in Vietnam. Moreover, this Comprehensive Report also contributes to call the interest and attention of international community in sharing with Vietnam in overcoming consequences caused by Agent Orange/Dioxin. Editors would like to welcome all the contributions for the following update.