JOURNEYS OF CHANGE - Connect with Respect: preventing gender-based violence in schools

This photobook is developed to share the typical journey of change of selected teachers and students who joined efforts to reduce gender-based violence in schools.
These courageous teachers and students participated in piloting the Toolkit “Connect with respect: preventing gender-based violence in schools: Classroom Programme for Students in Early Secondary School (age 11-14)”, which was jointly implemented by the Department for Political Education and Students Affairs, Ministry of Education and Training (PESAD-MOET) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in Viet Nam.
The project was implemented from the end of 2018 to mid of 2020, in 5 secondary schools at 5 provinces under the regional programme “Stepping Up Solutions to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls in Asia and the Pacific 2017-2021” funded by the Government of Australia and The Government of the Republic of Korea.