Promoting gender mainstreaming in the National Target Program on New Rural Development and the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the 2021-2025 period

The two National Target Programs on New Rural Development and Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2016-2020 have achieved important results.
There have been more than 6 million people escaping poverty, approximately 2 million people escaping near poverty; 62.4% of communes met the New Rural Development standard. However, there are still sizable gender gaps in terms of employment, property ownership, and access to public services in rural areas, especially in poor districts and communes. The burden of unpaid care work hinders equal access for women to opportunities; gender-based violence remains high at places.
With the aim of promoting gender equality in the two National Target Programs on New Rural Development and Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2025, UN Women has provided technical support to the Vietnam Women's Union and the National Assembly's Committee on Social Affairs to develop this report. This highlights the current status of gender inequality, proposes specific principles and measures to strengthen gender equality in both the two National Target Programs.