We Together - Orange the music - Street music program for the safety of women and children
04 December 2022

Ha Noi, December 4, 2022: Hundreds of people on the Ho Guom (Sword Lake) pedestrian street, Ha Noi exuberantly joined the Street music program - We Together - Orange the music was held for the first time to spread the message on gender equality and the elimination of violence against women and children.
This exceptional music program was organized by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women in Viet Nam) with the engagement of a wide variety of popular young artists such as: Minh Vuong M4U, Vu Duy Khanh, Trung Tran, Nguyen Tran Trung Quan, Duy Khoa, AlexD Music Insight, VAnh, ... in conjunction with diverse performances of students, pupils in the city such as those from Vinschool, Academy of Journalism and Communication, FPT University,...
In the ambiance imbued with music and various nuances of emotion of the program, the artists' lyrics and dances were like a special string connecting people, conveying meaningful messages about respect, sharing, care, love and solidarity. The music program was divided into three main parts: She, We and We Together. The songs performed in the “She” told stories about the women around us, who could be mothers, wives, daughters, confidants or lovers. When “She” had grown up, experienced ups and downs of life, she would get strong and become a part of the mighty and persistent “We”, then “We together” with like-minded people would live our lives to the fullest, realize all our dreams and dedicate to life. If Part 1 “She” rendered bright, crystalline and loving songs, Part 2 “We” was our narrations in the journey of growing, stumbling and resurrecting, Part 3 “We together” illustrated the joy, the power of unity to create an equal, colorful, safe and violence-free world.
Notably, apart from the artists' performances, Ms. Elisa Fernandez Saenz, UN Women Country Representative and UN staff in Viet Nam staged a vibrant dance performance delivering the message of the women and girls who were strong, confident to surmount all barriers and stereotypes to realize their dreams.

The event was an activity under the umbrella of the Orange the World Campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (November 25 - December 10) and the National Action Month for Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence Prevention and response (November 15 – December 15.
Orange has been chosen by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as the symbolized colour of the campaign because it is a brilliant colour offering hope to women and children experiencing violence as well as those working in this domain. It is also a highly attention-catching colour – demonstrating the harzardous and alarming levels of violence against women and millions of children globally, which is deemed as one of the most serious forms of human right violation across the world. Orange the World is a campaign urging for vigourous participation of all stakeholders to eliminate violence against women and children globally.

Additional information for Editors:
Globally, one billion children per year are subject to violence in one form or another. The Viet Nam SDG indicators on Children and Women Survey 2020-2021 indicated that more than 72% of children between the ages of 10 and 14 had experienced violent disciplines. Among them, 39% of children suffered from emotional violence, physical abuse (47%), sexual abuse (20%), and neglection (29%). These scars would not only leave physical pain, but also result in persistent mental obsessions for a lifetime.
According to the 2019 National Study on Violence against Women in Viet Nam, 62.9% of women in Viet Nam experienced one or more forms of physical, sexual, emotional and economic violence, as well as controlling behaviours by their husband or intimate partner in their life time. In Vietnamese society, violence was often hidden reflected by the fact that 90.4% of the women who experienced violence did not seek for help from formal services or authorities and half of them never told anyone about their experience of violence. In addition, the impacts of violence against women were estimated to be equivalent to 1.81% of Viet Nam's GDP in 2018.
The Program “Orange the music” - We Together Music Concert will be posted on: UN Women fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/unwomenvietnam/