Official Launch of “the one-stop-shop model to support women and children subject to violence in Ho Chi Minh city”
24 March 2023
Ho Chi Minh city, 24th March 2023 - This morning, the first one-stop shop model to support women and children subject to violence in Ho Chi Minh City as per Decision No. 4275/QD-UBND dated 7th December, 2022 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City was officially launched at Hung Vuong Hospital located at the address of 128 Hong Bang, Ward 12, District 5.
The one-stop shop model will perform its functions of receiving, screening, treating, consulting, and providing on-site services to patients who are women and children subject to violence and sexual abuse. Instead of knocking on the doors of many places to seek support, women and children subject to violence simply go to the "one-stop-shop" model for medical care, psychological and legal counseling. If an emergency shelter is needed, social workers of Hung Vuong Hospital will refer victims to the City Center for Social Work - Education and Vocational Training for Youth, located at 14 Nguyen Van Bao, Ward 4, Go Vap District for care and nurture, therapeutic intervention and access to other essential services on demand.
Le Van Thinh, Director of Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City said: “The pilot implementation of the "one-stop shop model to support women and children in Ho Chi Minh City" at a health facility is an unprecedented new solution in Vietnam. Experience in responding to gender-based violence shows that health facilities are often the first places to which patients of different age groups, professions and backgrounds go to. Upon the operation of the model, a gap assessment will be conducted to review sectors’ specific policies and regulations towards an agreement on the principles and standards for the provision of the one-stop-shop services to victims. The one-stop shop model is a safe destination, a place to intervene, help, and provide essential closed and suitable service packages for each victim in the area."
The National Survey on Violence against Women in Viet Nam in 2019 shows that nearly 2 out of 3 women (nearly 63%) experience one or more forms of physical, sexual, emotional, and economic violence as well as controlling behaviors caused by their husbands/intimate partners in their lifetime. However, 90% of women who experience sexual and/or physical violence perpetrated by their husbands do not seek any assistance from the authorities.
The one-stop shop model was introduced after more than two years of research under the chairmanship and professional coordination of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Department of Health and related departments, and units and the direct participation of Hung Vuong Hospital in Ho Chi Minh city. This is an activity under the program on Safe Cities for Women and Children, which was implemented by the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh city with technical support from the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the companionship of PE&D in Viet Nam.
Ms. Elisa Fernandez Saenz, Representative of UN Women Viet Nam said: “It is such a delight for UN Women to witness the launch of the one-stop-shop model today. The launch of the model is the result of the tireless efforts of stakeholders in Ho Chi Minh city during the past few years, aiming to provide a coordinated multi-sectoral essential service for women and children subject to violence by meeting their aspirations and needs. UN Women is committed to continuing to join hands with Ho Chi Minh city in the coming time to make the model pilot a success, UN Women expects this model to serve as a basis for its replication nationwide".
The operating budget of the one-stop-shop model is guaranteed by the budget of Ho Chi Minh city and is included in the annual budget estimates of the Department of Health and the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. The piloting period of the model will be from 2022 to 2026./.