Hello and warm greetings to everyone,
It's a pleasure and an honor to be here with you all on this special occasion of UN Day 2023. Today, we gather under the theme “#YouthLead: Innovation for Sustainable Development,” a theme that captures the essence of your role in shaping our future.
I want to start by expressing my deep appreciation to the young changemakers and future leaders from various universities and initiatives. Your energy and commitment are what make today so special. A big thank you also to colleagues from our UN team and to all organizers and participants.
As we look at the progress of the 2030 Agenda, and reflect on the recent SDG Summit, it becomes clear that we are at a crucial point in our journey towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The clock is ticking, and the world needs your fresh ideas and bold actions now more than ever. This year’s theme is all about you stepping up and showing how your smarts, skills, and spirit can help our planet.
This year's theme isn't just a tagline; today is a showcase, but it's also much more. It is a recognition of your potential to contribute significantly to our planet's sustainability. We've got 13 amazing booths from youth-led projects covering everything from healthcare to environmental sustainability. Some of you are working with the UN, others are independent initiatives – and we are all here to learn from you!
But this isn't just about showing off your projects. Today is more than a celebration; it's an interactive platform – it's about making your voices heard. We want to hear about your journeys, your wins, your hurdles, and how we as the UN can back you up better.
In Vietnam, our youth – that’s you – are a powerhouse of talent and ideas. Over 22 million young people are ready to make a mark – a demographic that is not only the future but the present force of innovation and social change. The United Nations doesn't just believe in your power; we are inspired by it and committed to nurturing it.
So, let’s make today count. Let's talk, share, and collaborate. Every one of you has something special to contribute to our world’s sustainable future. Let’s keep pushing, keep innovating, and keep leading the charge.
Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do. Let's have an awesome day together, and here’s to making a difference, one step at a time. I'm excited to see what we can achieve together.
Thank you! Xin cam on!