Press Release

Kicking-off the review of the National Strategy on Gender Equality implementation in the period of 2011-2020 and the development of the new National Strategy on Gender Equality 2021-2030

06 December 2019

  • Ha Noi – 6 December 2019 – Today, over 80 experts from governmental agencies, local organizations international organizations, and academia gathered in Ha Noi to join The launching workshop on the review of the National Strategy on Gender Equality and the development of the new National Strategy on Gender Equality 2021-2030, jointly held by Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the Australian Embassy.

Viet Nam is one of countries which has strong commitment in implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Bejing Platform for Action and Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. Ten years ago, it was the first time Viet Nam prepared and developed its first remarkable National Strategy on Gender Equality (NSGE) that defined the direction and priorities to promote gender equality in the period 2011-2020. During the years of implementation of the NSGE, Viet Nam has been one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific that has made a lot of changes and progress on gender equality in many socio-economic fields. At the same time, the country faces new challenges for gender equality due to the impact of the global economy, the strong development of the 4.0 technology revolution, natural disasters and climate change, and the demographic changes. These challenges require the coutry to develop specific policies and actions to maintain achievements and simultaneously address existing gender issues as well as arising gender issues in the upcoming period. This effort continues to demonstrate Viet Nam’s strong commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality and women empowerment.

Opening the workshop, Mr Pham Ngoc Tien – Director of Gender Equality Department, MOLISA said: “In order to remain the sustaibility of the achievements on gender equality as well as to better response to gender-based challenges and issues in the coming period, it is necessary to develop and submit the new NSGE for the period 2021-2030 to the Pirme Minister. We believe that with the commitment of cooperation and technical assistance from development organizations, United Nations agencies, the participation of relevant organizations and individuals at the central and local level will be advantageous conditions to establish a 2021-2030 Strategy to achieve high quality and feasibility”

Her excellency Robyn Mudie, Ambassador, Embassy of Australia said: “I congratulate the Government of Viet Nam for its commitment to developing a National Gender Equality Strategy that not only materially contributes to closing gender gaps,but is also practical and has realistic targets.”

Speaking at the workshop, Ms. Elisa Fernandez, Head of Office UN Women Viet Nam highlighted that "Gender equality and women empowerment is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and indispensable for all aspects of socio-economic life. Gender equality is not only a basic human-rights, but also a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, inclusive and sustainable Viet Nam”. Ms. Fernandez also emphasized the importance of advocacy to develop mechanism to ensure the financing for gender equality commitments; and the principle of Leaving no one behind is included and applied in the National Strategy on gender equality for the period 2021-2030.

At the workshop, participants shared their plans to support the review of the National Strategy on Gender Equality implementation in the period of 2011-2020 and the development of the new National Strategy on Gender Equality 2021-2030

For more information, please contact:

  • Ms. Nguyen Viet Hai, Gender Equality Specialist. Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs | Phone number: 38253875 | email:
  • Ms. Hoang Bich Thao, Communications Officer, UN Women Viet Nam | Email:
hoang bich thao

Hoang Bich Thao

UN Women
Communications and Advocacy Analyst

UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Goals we are supporting through this initiative