Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals from a gender equality perspective
27 April 2018
- Ha Noi, 27 April, 2018 – Today, over 100 experts from governmental agencies, local organizations, Women's Union at all levels, international organizations, civil society organizations and research institutes gathered in Ha Noi to offer comments and recommendations on the "Voluntary National Review of Viet Nam on Sustainable Developmet Goals from a gender equality perspective" at a consultation workshop jointly held by Viet Nam Women's Union and UN Women.
The "Voluntary National Review of Viet Nam on the Sustainable Development Goals from a gender equality perspective" provides Viet Nam a unique opportunity to review its achievements, as well as difficulties and challenges arising, in achieving SDGs related to gender equality. The aim of the workshop was to identify issues relevant to gender equality which need to be fully integrated in the implementation of Viet Nam's Sustainable Devlopment Goals. This report will be presented by the Government of Viet Nam to the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which will be held in July, 2018, in New York, USA.
Today's consultation workshop was organized in the context of Viet Nam's preceding actions and staunch commitment to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs initiated by the United Nations. In May 2017, Viet Nam issued the National Action Plan for the implemention of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gender equality and the empowerment of women is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but also integral to all dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development; therefore, it is crucial to review all SDGs from a gender perspective. The workshop was an open space for groups working on gender equality to discuss and prioritize issues in the process of implementing the SDGs in Viet Nam.
Feedback from the consultation workhop will contribute towards the improvement of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the implemention of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Opening the workshop, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, and Chairperson of Viet Nam Women's Union, said: "As assured, and having captured the attention of all levels, sectors and localities, gender equality has gradually become a priority in all socio-economic, cultural and social activities with many outstanding achievements being recognised by international agencies. The outcomes of implementing gender equality has effectively contributed to the implemention of United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals." She also emphasized the crucial role played by Viet Nam Women's Union in implementing the SDGs in Viet Nam: "As a socio-political organization and a representative for women's legitmate rights and benefits, Viet Nam Women's Union has made a significant contribution to achieving gender equality, implementing the SDGs in Viet Nam, and promoting women's participation in Viet Nam's sustainable development. In the process of developing a National Action Plan to the implement SDGs, Viet Nam Women's Union gave several comments and recommendations on mainstreaming gender in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
Speaking at the workshop, Ms. Elisa Fernandez, Head of Office UN Women Viet Nam said: "Viet Nam is an exceptional case as it has been decided that the review is not only going to focus on the required Goals 6, 7, 11, 12 and 15., but also carry out a review of progress on all other goals, including SDG 5. This has given an opportunity for Viet Nam to inform on its progress on gender equality, as well as on how gender issues have been addressed within the other goals. We must take this opportunity to create synergies and networks amongst stakeholders, including the private sector to work for gender equality and the empowerment of women."
"As a member of the SDG Technical Working Group that provided technical advice to the government on SDG implementation, UN Women has shared all relevant data and documents that support the 2018 VNR Process and developed a joint UN-Government common message across the SDGs for the Voluntary National Review, which is focused on the improved coordination of government actions: ensuring women's empowerment and participation; ensuring a whole-of-society approach; the need for data and evidence for monitoring, reporting and accountability; and improved equity and participation of disadvantaged groups," she added.