Press Release

IOM Viet Nam inaugurates relocated Migrant Resource Centre in Nghe An province

19 April 2018

  • Nghe An, 19 April 2018 – Today, the Migrant Resource Center – MRC, located at the Employment Service Center in Nghe An was officially opened, as a partnership between the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Viet Nam and the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Nghe An.

Drawing on the previous achievements from the cooperation between IOM and the Women's Union of Nghe An, the MRC will be a new reliable resource for potential and returned migrants in Nghe An to seek relevant information, materials and resources about popular labour migration destination countries. The MRC also provides in-person advice on procedures for applying to work abroad, as well as important guidance on how to migrate safely and reduce risks of failing victim to human traffickers and forced labour.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by Mr. Le Ngoc Hoa, Vice Chairman of Nghe An People's Committee who praised the establishment of the MRC and recognized the Centre as an important opportunity for Nghe An to promote safe labour migration; particularly given Nghe An's profile as Viet Nam's top labour sending province with nearly 14 thousand people accessing overseas employment in 2017.

The MRC establishment and operations are important parts of the project "ASEAN-MPACT: Migrant Protection, Assistance, Capacity and Tolerance" as implemented by IOM and funded by the United States Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

Paul Priest

Head of Programme and Project Development and Implementation

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Organization for Migration

Goals we are supporting through this initiative