Press Release

Conference on rolling out of the implementation of the National SDGs Action Plan

07 July 2017

  • Ha Noi, 7 July 2017 – Today MPI in collaboration with the United Nations in Viet Nam (UN) and GIZ organised a Conference on launchingThe National Action Plan for the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development agenda The conference was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development and Competitiveness Improvement and participated by representatives from ministries, government agencies, National Assembly, UN agencies, embassies, NGOs and other international development agencies in Vietnam.

The National Action Plan to implement the 2030 Agenda for SDGs was promulgated as per Decision 633/QD-TTg dated 10 May 2017 of the Prime Minister, in which 17 SDGs of Vietnam towards 2030 have been set including 115 specific targets, in corresponding with global SDGs targets which were approved at the Summit Meeting of the UN in September 2015.

Conference attendants have been introduced of the contents of the NAP; orientation for the implementation of some ministries. The conference was seen an opportunity for the participants to discuss difficulties and challenges during the implementation as well as to propose solution among national and international stakeholders.

At the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development and Competitiveness Improvement emphasized that: "In order to successfully implement Vietnam SDGs, it is essential to have the active involvement of all related ministries, localities, enterprises and people”. The Deputy Prime Minister also affirmed that Vietnam “always consider sustainable development a cross-cutting goal in the national development strategy”, and also “committed its effort to implement Vietnam SDGs successfully in the NAP” Deputy Prime Minister also expressed his expectation to receive “active contribution of all stakeholders in the country and abroad and development partners during the implementation of NAP”.

Representing the UN in Viet Nam, the Resident Coordination Mr. Kamal Malhotra emphasized: “The key message and purpose of the SDGs, ‘leave no one behind’ is at the core of Viet Nam’s response, and this cannot be achieved without engaging with and reaching out to the wider public through a ‘whole of nation’ approach in implementation and reporting – including Government, bilateral and multilateral development partners, the private sector, Political, Professional and Mass Organizations and other groups representing the diverse interests of the Vietnamese people”. Mr. Malhotra also reaffirmed the UN’s commitment in cooperation with Viet Nam to implement the National SDGs Action Plan, specifically through the One Strategic Plan 2017-2021 between the Government of Viet Nam and the UN which was recently signed on 5 July.

Mr. Christian Berger, German Embassy shared that during his term as the Chairman of G20, German Government has considered Agenda 2030 as well as policies on climate and energy one of their focus areas, through which expressed “German commitment towards this important area, especially regarding the connection and integration with global agendas”. Mr. Christian Berger saw the NAP ”important step towards equitable economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection in Vietnam”; as well as emphasized the commitment of German Government in the partnership with Vietnam, particularly their assistance to Vietnam for the implementation of Agenda 2030 under the framework “Macro Economic Reform Programme/ Green Growth of Germany-Vietnam development cooperation and Paris Agreement on climate change.

Related info:

For further information, please contact:

  • Ms. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nga, SDGs Office, Science, Education, Resources and Environment Department, MONRE      
  • Mr Trinh Anh Tuan, UN Communications Team, Email:, Tel: 024-3850 0193    
  • Vu Hoang Anh (Mrs.), German Development Cooperation, GIZ Office Hanoi, 6th Floor Hanoi Towers, 49 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi, Viet Nam, T: +84 4 39 34 49 51 (Ext.109), M: +84 902 155 480, E: 
Trinh Anh Tuan

Trinh Anh Tuan

Senior Programme Communications and Advocacy Officer

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United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

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