Press Release

New criteria for evaluation of Community Learning Centres in Viet Nam to be developed

05 June 2017

  • Ha Noi 5 June 2017 – In effort to support localities assess Community Learning Centre (CLC) practices and effectiveness, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), Vietnam Association for Learning Promotion (VALP), Viet Nam Institute of Educational Sciences and UNESCO carried out the first consultation workshop for the drafting of assessment criteria and indicators on CLC operational effectiveness.

At present, Viet Nam is home to about 11,000 CLCs across numerous communes and provinces of the country. Despite proving to be an effective model for community's cultural, learning, and exchange activities, not all CLCs are operating at the level and efficiency that is needed. In order to identify present gaps and inefficiencies in CLCs the MOET has launched an initiative to guide the monitoring and evaluation of such centres. The Ministry's four key areas of CLC evaluation include assessment of the management structure; organization of activities; mobilization of social participation; and operational effectiveness.

To further develop the evaluation criteria, the Research Institute for Development of Learning Society (RIDLS), VALP; the Research Centre for Non-formal Education, VNIES; and the Continuing Education Department, MOET; in collaboration with UNESCO, led a consultation workshop on proposed indicators and means of verification.

The half day workshop involving over 40 CLC officials and stakeholders invited the participation of CLC experts and Directors from Thanh Hoa, Ha Noi, Hoa Binh, Phu Tho, Ninh Binh and Bac Ninh. Ms. Be Hong Hanh, representative of the VNIES expert team, guided participants through the development process and main content and implications of the proposed Criteria for Assessment and Ranking of CLCs.

Proposed indicators targeted three main areas of development with, (i) Party and authoritative leadership at commune level including the role of managers, teachers and facilitators, partnerships and cooperation among departments, participation and ownership of local people, and the management of available resources; (ii) value of classes organized including impacts of reading, internet and counselling activities; and (iii) contributions to socio-cultural development including security assurance, social order, safety, public healthcare and environmental protection.

Initiating the workshop, Dr. Pham Tat Dong, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of VALP, emphasized the importance of the workshop as a valuable opportunity to firstly recognize the shortcomings and weaknesses of CLCs in Viet Nam and to put forth progress towards the implementation of MOET's official letter No. 2553/BGDDT-GDTX on the guideline for evaluating CLCs.

Similarly, Mr. Toshiyuki Matsumoto, UNESCO Education Programme Specialist, reaffirmed the importance of the workshop as "CLCs, serve as local institutions for lifelong learning, performing important functions to revitalize the pursuit of knowledge at a local level and building community bonds to address sustainable development problems and needs."

It is expected that these criteria will be finalised at the end of 2017, following further consultations and refinements. Once officially endorsed by MOET, the Criteria for Assessment and Ranking of CLCs will be used to conduct a comprehensive review of CLC operations at both national and local levels, identifying challenges and evidencing necessary solutions for sustainable development of CLCs.

For more information, please contact Mr. Toshiyuki Matsumoto, Education Programme Specialist, at t.matsumoto(at)

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