Press Release

Launching Workshop of Technical Assistance Project “Support the Government of Viet Nam to develop industrial strategies and related policies through institutional capacity building”

17 June 2016

  • Ha Noi, 17 June 2016 - The Ministry of Industry and Trade coordinated with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to organize an event for launching the technical assistance project “Support the Government of Viet Nam to develop industrial strategies and related policies through institutional capacity building”. The project is funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea via UNIDO and expected to be implemented in 36 months.

In the context of extensive international economic integration with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) like TPP, VKFTA, VEUFTA, etc. the industry of Viet Nam will face competitive challenges from outside. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has coordinated with UNIDO to deploy this Technical Assistance Project with an aim to contribute to increasing the industrial competitive capacity of Viet Nam.

During implementation, the project will organize training activities and prepare industrial reports for public and private sectors after studying international experience in development. Simultaneously, based on the long-standing cooperation between the Ministry of Industry and UNIDO, the project will further expand the implementation of sub-sector industrial strategies, as well as review and enhance a series of industrial policies to promote priority areas and value chains. 

The project will produce four main outcomes including (1) Institutional capacity building in the generation of industrial intelligence in the public and private sector in Viet Nam; (2) Benefitting from foreign industrial development experiences and policies; (3) Deepening the industrial strategy of Viet Nam based on the available industrial intelligence and enhanced institutional capacity; and (4) A detailed industrial policy towards the implementation of industrial strategy for Viet Nam

At the event, Mr. Le Huu Phuc, Head of International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade, highly appreciated the necessity of the project in enhancing the industrial competitive capacity of Viet Nam. Mr Phuc said: "Viet Nam has achieved a relatively high industrial growth rate, with the industrial production value accounting for a significant share in the economic structure of the country. However, many challenges still remain, therefore the industry of Viet Nam has to spare no effort to compete, innovate, and restructure so as to, together with the world, enter a smart manufacturing industrial revolution”.

Mr. Sang Shik Park, Minister/Consul General, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea congratulated the successful kick-off of the project and added: “the Korean Government is committed to working with Vietnam in strengthening its industrial competitiveness and building a strong and healthy economy for sustainable growth”.

For more information on the Project, please contact:

Mr. Seung Chul Oh, Project Director, UNIDO Headquarters, email:

Mr. Nguyen Viet San, Vice Director of International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade,

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative