Press Release

Guidelines on gender responsive budgeting for the People’s Council launched in HCM City

23 July 2019

  • Ho Chi Minh City – 23 July 2019 –The publication of the guidelines "Gender responsive budgeting in the verification and monitoring of the budget implementation of the People's Council" was launched today in Ho Chi Minh City. It was developed under cooperation among UN Women, the Economy and Budget Division - Ho Chi Minh City People's Council and Ho Chi Minh City Committee for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality.

The Guidelines was developed out of the context of a new State Budget Law approved in 2015 which offered new and advanced articles of law from a gender perspective. The Law designates gender equality as one of the principles of state budget management and a core formulation of the annual state budget estimate. International experience reveals that this principle can only be realized with the participation and cooperation of multiple stakeholders including people's elected bodies, ministries and sectors, especially the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour-Invalids and Social Affairs as well as social and international organizations. The Guidelines launched today focus on the content of gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and the responsibilities of the People's Council.

The People's Council has to verify and monitor the budget estimate and liquidation costs submitted by the People's Committee; estimate and liquidation of regular budget expenditure or the budget estimate from a programme/project/scheme delegated to the city/district Departments, committees and sectors. According to the provisions of the State Budget Law, the People's Council shall determine the budget revenue and expenditure estimate, the allocation and revision of the budget estimate, approve budget liquidation and monitor approved budget implementation. Thus, together with departments at the city and provincial levels, the People's Council should play a key role in implementing GRB.

Speaking at the launching event of the Guidelines, Mr. Trieu Do Hong Phuoc, Director of Economy and Budget Division, Ho Chi Minh City People's Council stressed that "Issues arising from gender inequality could be effectively resolved if we apply appropriate policy tools. Gender Responsive Budgeting is one of those tools. Gender responsive budgeting is not budgets for women or gender equality activities. It relates to the budgeting and allocation of national budget in general. It is a process to ensure that women and men benefit equally from the national budget. I suggest the People's Council and all relevant departments will use this Guidelines in activities on budget implementation."

Ms. Elisa Fernandez, Head of Office, UN Women Viet Nam said"Since 2001, UN Women at the global level has been leading efforts to increase financing for gender equality through building partnerships, providing tailored technical assistance and guidance and building institutional capacity and knowledge on GRB. Here in Viet Nam, I am very pleased with the partnership we have with Ho Chi Minh city to integrate gender in the verification and monitoring of budget implementation of the People's Council. The Guideline once again shows a strong commitment of Ho Chi Minh city in promoting gender equality. UN Women will continue to support Ho Chi Minh city in the effort to build a safe city for women and girls and for all genders."

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hoang bich thao

Hoang Bich Thao

UN Women
Communications and Advocacy Analyst

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UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

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