Press Release

UNESCO gender assessment platform for teacher education discussed by Asia-Pacific partners

28 May 2018

  • Ha Noi, 28 May 2018 - UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok) in collaboration with UNESCO Ha Noi office has organized a regional training workshop on online gender assessment tools for teacher education in Asia-Pacific in Ha Noi on 28-29 May 2018. Around 50 participants comprising education policy-makers, planners, experts, teacher educators and researchers from 22 countries in the Asia-Pacific region are attending the workshop.

This event is being organized within the framework of two projects implemented by UNESCO Bangkok, namely (i) Enhancing Girls' and Women's Right to Quality Education through Gender Sensitive Policy Making, Teacher Development and Pedagogy in South, Southeast, and Central Asia under the UNESCO-Hainan Airlines Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education, and (ii) Leveraging ICT to Achieve Education 2030 with support from the WeiDong Group of the People's Republic of China.

The first project aims to strengthen the education sector's responsiveness to gender equality focusing on teacher development in the Asia-Pacific region, while the second project seeks to assist Member States harness the use of ICT to meet the Education 2030 Agenda. Seizing a remarkable opportunity to synergize the objectives of the two projects, UNESCO Bangkok has created GATTE (Gender Assessment Tools for Teacher Education), a web platform containing six tools to assess gender issues in teacher education.

With this background, the regional training workshop will introduce GATTE to the participants, train them to navigate and use the online tools, and discuss potential opportunities for scaling up the use of GATTE.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Michael Croft, Head of UNESCO Ha Noi Office and UNESCO Representative to Viet Nam, reminded participants that gender equality is one of two global priorities for UNESCO. He stressed that girls and women must have equal access to the same resources and opportunities that boys and men have in order to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development's commitment to leave no one behind. He also emphasized that teachers play a key role in education, and gender-aware, gender-sensitive and gender-responsive teachers, who lead by examples in and outside the classrooms, are more effective in nurturing students to become gender-aware, -sensitive and -responsive themselves.

It is expected that the participants will identify opportunities for using GATTE and conduct a gender assessment of their teacher education system in their respective countries with the help of the tools and UNESCO's assistance, after the workshop.

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Nguyen Thi Dung

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