UNSustainable Development Goals
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(Note: Due to technical issue, please kindly be reminded that the timing of this event is from 08.30am to 12.00pm on 21 July 2021. Thank you)
The One Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development Cooperation between the United Nations and the Government of Viet Nam for the period 2022 -2026 (referred to henceforth as “CF”) represents the programmatic and operational framework for delivering UN support to the Government over the next five years to accelerate SDG achievement by 2030 and in line with the national development priorities, especially those outlined in the Socio-Economic Development Strategy for 2021 to 2030 and Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2021 to 2025. In the UN, the draft CF draws on two key processes: (i) the evaluation of the One Strategic Plan (OSP) 2017-2021, and (ii) the Common Country Assessment (CCA) process. Multi-stakeholder consultations on the draft CF provide an important contribution to shaping and finalising the CF, whilst reinforcing UN stakeholder engagement and raising awareness of the CF formulation process.
About the event
Key Objectives
The consultation aims to provide an inclusive and participatory platform to share and deliberate the draft CF to achieve the following objectives:
- Validate the identification, scope and justification of proposed CF priorities.
- Ensure the proposed overall theory of change (ToC) for the CF priorities and gaps reflect Viet Nam’s reality and will support the achievement of the SDGs.
- Strengthen the ToC at the Outcome level, and ensure outputs suggested are practical, respond adequately to Viet Nam’s development challenges, and reflect the UN’s comparative advantage.
The overall goal is to inform a revised draft CF which can be quality-assured and presented to the Government for approval.
Participants will be drawn from the Government of Viet Nam and the UN, international and local non-governmental organizations, local social enterprises, national Chamber of Commerce, local Trade Unions and associations, representative unions for women and youth, and other groups, professional bodies, development partners, International Financial Institutions, research institutions, academia, experts, and Think Tanks.
Format and Deliverables
The Consultation will be co-organized by the Government of Viet Nam and the UN. It will be held over half day and will be conducted through a combination of in-person and virtual attendance. The programme will consist of an Opening Plenary with remarks, overview of the Cooperation Framework Roadmap, identification of CF priorities, and overall ToC. The Opening Plenary will be followed by Breakout sessions for which the stakeholders will be divided into four groups under the four broad CF Outcome areas of: (A) Inclusive Social Development, (B) Climate Change Response, Disaster Resilience and Environmental Sustainability, (C) Shared Prosperity through Economic Transformation, and (D) Governance and Access to Justice. The breakout sessions will cover discussions on the key elements of the Outcome-specific TOC such as the outputs/proposed UN offering, Leave No One Behind (LNOB) targets, cross-cutting issues, assumptions, risks and partnerships. This session will be followed up by a wrap session with closing remarks.
All plenary sessions will be led by the Co-Chairs, a senior representative from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and the UN Resident Coordinator. Each breakout session for Session 2 will be moderated by a member of UN Country Team. Each session will have two rapporteurs assigned, responsible for providing quick bullet points for the Closing Plenary and a summary report on their session to finalize the Consultation Report within one week of the event.