OHCHR, UN, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCOStream the Event Development Goals
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About the event
Stand for Pride
Teachers, in their classrooms, create the foundations for inclusive societies. The 2021 UN Free & Equal Campaign in Viet Nam underlines that by learning and teaching about fundamental issues of health, sexuality and gender, educators can help build a world where every child, regardless of their identity, is able to grow into a healthy and respected member of society.
About the initiative
The UN in Viet Nam is launching the 2021 UN Free & Equal campaign in Viet Nam, organized in collaboration with the University of Education – Viet Nam National University (UEd) and the Viet Nam Network of Young Key Affected Population (VYKAP).
With the message "Stand with Pride", the campaign draws attention to the power of educators to build safer schools for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ+) students.
- A social media campaign will run from 19 October to 11 November, sharing personal testimonies, quizzes and information to support action by trainee teachers, teachers and other educators.
- The campaign also includes a hybrid event at the University of Education this 6 November for hundreds of teachers in training, which will highlight the ability of educators to make a real difference and showcase the work of LGBTIQ+ communities. The event will be broadcasted online on the UN in Viet Nam and partners' fanpages.
Follow us on Facebook, join the campaign and participate in the event at on 6 November!
Coordinated by UNESCO, with support from UNAIDS and UNDP, the 2021 campaign in Viet Nam builds on the national campaigns in 2019 and 2020. The 2021 theme of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), focusing on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), was chosen after consultation with a wide range of partners working on LGBTIQ+ rights.
Why do we need safer schools for LGBTIQ+ people?
This campaign is necessary to combat the high frequency of discrimination, verbal abuse and violence that LGBTIQ+ students face at school.
72% of LGBTIQ students in one survey reported having been verbally abused by peers and teachers, and almost 15% of LGBTIQ people had experienced violence and had attempted self-harm or suicide. Some LGBT students reported violence perpetrated by staff, and evidence showed that school stakeholders, including teachers, were influenced by prejudices and stereotypes of LGBT people.(1)
In other surveys, one out of three respondents had heard or witnessed negative comments or actions from faculties or school officials, and nearly one-third had felt unfair treatment by faculties for being pro-LGBT in their school work. (2)
Why should educators Stand with Pride?
UN Free & Equal recognizes teachers and trainee teachers as important agents of change with the power to spread information about health, sexuality and gender to their students through CSE. UN Free & Equal calls for participation and action of teachers, educators and trainee teachers in enhancing their understanding about issues of SOGIESC, safe sex and HIV prevention. By ensuring that trainee teachers are aware of the basic SOGIESC concepts and willing to include these issues in CSE, we will help to ensure that future students understand SOGIESC and respect LGBTIQ+ people, and in turn that LGBTIQ students feel safe and included at school.
Follow us on Facebook, join the campaign and participate in the event at on 6 November!
About UN Free & Equal
Launched in 2013, UN Free & Equal is an unprecedented global United Nations public information campaign aimed at promoting equal rights and fair treatment of LGBTIQ+ people.
(1) UNESCO, Reaching out: Preventing and addressing SOGIE related violence in schools in Viet Nam (2016), available here.
(2) Luong, TH, Pham, QP, iSEE, Is it because I'm LGBT? Discriminations based on SOGI in Vietnam, available here.