Common Country Assessment for Viet Nam

As a common instrument of the UN system in Viet Nam, this Common Country Assessment (CCA) provides a situational analysis of the country as it prepares to operationalize and implement its commitment to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), globally adopted in September 2015 by UN Member States. The CCA is, therefore, a first attempt at consolidating the available official knowledge on Viet Nam’s development progress as well as the remaining challenges, embracing the new conceptual framework of the SDGs.
This CCA is also an initial step in the planning process for the One Strategic Plan for the new programming cycle of 2017-2021 (known as United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) in other countries). As the current One Plan 2012-2016 nears its end, the UN Country Team (UNCT) has initiated the planning process for the 2017-2021 period, following the guidance of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) and the in-country experience gained during the development of the One Plan 2012-2016. This process will mark the first time that UN agencies embrace the SDGs in planning their support, “as one”, to the Government of Viet Nam.
The assessment was conducted by an external team of consultants - Tsamota Limited under close guidance by the UNCT. The CCA uses an innovative methodology that combines the issue of human rights with socio-economic analysis, with an explicit focus on equity, inclusion and vulnerability. The CCA was conducted through a systematic desk review and was based solely on sources and data in the public domain. All UN agencies in Viet Nam provided documentation and participated in the review process. The Government of Viet Nam and regional UN agency bodies also provided extensive comments to finalize the document in March 2016 and officially publish it in May 2016.
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