Press Release

National Policy Dialogue on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) held in Ha Noi

24 April 2018

  • Ha Noi, 24 April 2018 - The Viet Nam Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES) of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) together with UNESCO Ha Noi Office organized a National Policy Dialogue on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Viet Nam within the framework of "Strengthening ESD Policy in Viet Nam" funded by the Government of Japan.

On 24 April 2018, the National Policy Dialogue on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was organised as a platform allowing for discussions about how best to advance ESD in national policies and programmes, and how best to engage various stakeholders in a constructive manner in Viet Nam. In her opening remarks, Ms. Yoko Anazawa, First Secretary, Chief of Press and Cultural Section, Embassy of Japan in Viet Nam, stressed "today's policy dialogue should play an appropriate and important role for education stakeholders in Viet Nam to understand ESD better, to identify each of their roles, and to establish the coordination mechanism among stakeholders."

Some 100 participants, including senior officials from MOET, relevant departments from MOET, and representatives from other ministries and agencies, development partners, embassies, civil society organizations and the private sector, were provided with the update of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, SDG Target 4.7 about ESD and Global Citizenship Education, and the Action Plan of Viet Nam in the implementation of SDG4. All participants were also given the opportunity to contribute thoughts on and suggestions for the achievement of a common goal, ensuring an inclusive, equitable and quality education in Viet Nam to equip all learners with knowledge and skills that meet the needs of the twenty-first century, and allow them to address the country's emerging sustainability challenges. All of these opinions collected during the dialogue are crucial for the shaping of a national coordination mechanism among all stakeholders in Viet Nam.

In line with its global commitment in promoting ESD, reflected in the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, UNESCO aspires to focus on the practicality in the implementation of ESD on the ground. Mr. Michael Croft, Head of Office and Representative of UNESCO to Viet Nam, stated, "Everyone can easily agree that ESD is a very important thing. However, the most important question is the method, how best to integrate ESD. How can we ensure new learning experiences for children in the classroom and bring a sustainability approach to the way classes are taught? How can schools be run in a sustainable way and to have the community and private sector involved? And how can we empower children to be the promoters and advocates in their own homes and communities for ESD?"

Mr. Le Trong Hung, Director General of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment (DSTE) of the MOET, once again stressed the importance of promoting ESD, especially through a lifelong learning perspective. "Lifelong learning is an integral component of quality education. ESD is comprehensive and innovative, and it covers aspects related to learning content, learning outcomes, pedagogy and learning environment. With this approach, ESD will lead to societal transformation."

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Nguyen Thi Dung

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