8 June 2020 - 19 July 2020
UN75 Photo Contest: The Future I Want
Do you like photography? Do you want to use your artistic skills to positively impact other people's lives?
If you do, then this is for you! UN in Viet Nam is excited to announce the UN75 Photo Contest: The Future I Want.

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UN75 Photo Contenst: The Future I Want - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS!
Do you like photography?
Do you want to use your artistic skills to positively impact other people's lives?
If you do, then this is for you! UN Viet Nam is excited to announce the UN75 Photo Contest: The Future I Want.
The 75th anniversary of UN in 2020 is happening during COVID-19 - the worst global health emergency of our time. We are seeing the world at its worst, but also at its best as people, partners and communities come together and find many ways to connect around the world.
Therefore, on the concept #TheFutureIWant, we want to invite everyone of all ages to creatively express your views on the existing challenges and how to transform our future for the better via visual storytelling.
Deadline for applications (EXTENDED): 19 July 2020 (Sunday), 23:59
Eligibility: The contest is open to all legal residents in Viet Nam with no age limitation.
Themes: Participants are encouraged to submit photos under specific topics including:
1. Inclusive education
2. Good Health/Healthy life
3. Decent work
4. Climate action
5. Youth in action to build a better society
6. Gender equality
** All submissions reflecting the impacts of COVID-19 to these above-mentioned
themes would be highly encouraged.
Submission of entries:
Entrants can:
- submit their images through email: oneuncomms@gmail.com with the title “The Future I want Photo Contest”
- or in CD/DVD packed in an envelope with the title of the contest and send to UN Communications Team, The UN Viet Nam, 304 Kim Ma Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Entrants must indicate maximum 02 themes (as mentioned above) for each image and include a detailed caption with no more than 100 words.
Each entrant can submit up to 15 images.
Name, date of birth, address, email and mobile phone number must be included.
First place prize: in kind worth 10 million VND
Second place prize: in kind worth 7 million VND
Third place prize: in kind worth 5 million VND
People’s Choice prize: in kind worth 5 million VND
People’s Choice prize: prize worth 5 million VND
(Selected photos will be announced on UN in Viet Nam Facebook for public’s vote to win People’s Choice prize.)
Photos that pass the preliminary round will be exhibited on UN Day (23 October) for celebration of UN75 and be given a certificate of acknowledgement!
Copyrights: Contestants will still retain all rights to any image they submit. However, entering this contest, participants are accepting that the rights to use their images will be transferred permanently and legally to the UN in Viet Nam. The UN in Viet Nam will enjoy the full rights to use the works in publication, website, or other non-commercial activities.
For more info about the contest details: https://www.facebook.com/events/952212295223818/ and https://www.facebook.com/uninvietnam/
What are you waiting for? Submit your best photographs or share this contest to your family and friends.