Handbook on gender-responsive police services for women and girls subject to violence

Strengthening the justice sector response, particularly that of law enforcement, has consistently been cited as one of the most challenging issues when responding to violence against women and girls. A positive initial contact experience with police is crucial for survivors of violence and a high-quality police and justice response must be available and accessible to all women and girls who are navigating an often-complex justice system, especially those who are most marginalized and are at greater risk of experiencing violence.
To respond to this need, UN Women, under the framework of the UN Joint Global Programme on Essential Services, and in partnership with UNODC and the IAWP, have developed a handbook on gender-responsive police services for women and girls subject to violence.
The handbook is based on and complements existing global and country-specific handbooks and training materials for law enforcement. It covers in depth areas such as: gender-responsive police investigations; prevention; intersectionality; survivor-centred approaches; promoting positive masculinities; coordination; institution-building; and emerging issues such as online and ICT-facilitated violence against women and girls. The handbook also includes guidance on responding to violence against women and girls during crises, including pandemics.
The target audience for the guidance is police middle managers; however, it can equally be used to engage senior management on institutional transformation and training for frontline responders, in police academies and ‘refresher courses’.