Thông cáo báo chí

Women, ethnic minorities and poor less likely to vote: latest survey

12 tháng 4 2016

  • Ha Noi, 12 April 2016 – Findings from the 2015 PAPI Report, released today, show declines at the national level in five out of the six governance dimensions the survey measures. Almost 14,000 randomly selected citizens nationwide were interviewed for the 2015 Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI), which assesses citizen experiences with national and sub-national government performance in governance, public administration and public service delivery.

Out of the six dimensions, the most substantial drop was in the transparency index, which fell by more than seven percent. This decline is partly because of less public awareness of local lists of poor households and less confidence in the accuracy of the information provided. For example, almost half (46%) of those surveyed believe that truly poor households are not included in the lists. In 2015 there was also less publicity about local land-use plans and land price frames, and fewer opportunities for citizens to comment on these plans.

Speaking at the launch of the report, Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator, said: “With the National Assembly and People’s Councils elections taking place next month, the report provides an effective tool for the new administration to assess governance and public administration reforms over the last five years and benchmark future performance.”

The corruption dimension also witnessed a drop, decreasing by three percent in 2015. Respondents express more concern about corruption in the public sector and in public service delivery and are more worried about corruption and nepotism in public sector employment. In addition, citizens are less confident about the government’s willingness to control corruption, with just 37% saying that their local government is serious about fighting corruption.

Furthermore, compared to 2014 there has been a noticeable spike in bribes paid for land use rights certificates. The 2015 PAPI Report finds that the estimated number of respondents who paid bribes to get a land use rights certificate increased to more than 44% in 2015, up from 24% in 2014.

There were also significant declines in the participation at local levels and vertical accountability dimensions. In terms of village elections, for example, overall these do not seem to be competitive. In many villages there are not two or more candidates to choose between and local authorities often suggest candidates. As part of vertical accountability, the interaction between citizens and local authorities is measured. Over the past five years, this interaction has been irregular. While slightly more citizens in 2015 contacted their village head (20%) or commune official (14%), the effectiveness of this interaction is lower than in previous years.   

The public administrative procedures dimension also saw a slight decrease. Of the four public administrative services measured, the quality of services related to land use rights certificates has scored the lowest every year since 2011. More than 22% of those surveyed, for instance, said they had to wait for more than 100 days to get the land use rights paperwork they requested, rather than the 30 days mandated by law.

Only in the public service delivery dimension have scores increased, albeit modestly. Yet respondents are still concerned about the quality of district hospitals and are also unhappy with the quality of public primary education.

The 2015 PAPI survey featured a new question on what respondents believe are the three most important issues facing the country. Poverty and hunger was identified as the most important issue, with 18% saying this is the most pressing concern. Jobs and employment, roads, corruption and law and order were also identified as important issues.

The survey also looked at citizens’ opportunities for political participation. In terms of participation in elections, the survey shows that gender, ethnicity, mass organization membership and education all influence voter participation. Women, ethnic minorities, those who are less educated and those who are not members of mass organizations are in general less likely to vote.

In terms of participation in consultations on proposed legislation, individual factors determine who participates in these. Party membership is the most important factor, while mass organization membership and education levels also matter to some extent. Party members with a high school degree or more have a 35% chance of being asked to contribute to a law, while party members without a degree have only an 18% chance. On the other hand, respondents not affiliated with the party or a mass organization and with no degree have a less than one percent probability of taking part in legislative consultations.

Finally, the 2015 PAPI Report looks at provincial performance from 2011-2015 across the six dimensions. Seven provinces have substantially improved their performance scores over the last five years, while 13 provinces have witnessed significant drops. Five provinces (Nam Dinh, Ha Tinh, Quang Tri, Da Nang and Long An) have been in the top performing group in overall provincial performance every year since 2011.

In general, better performing provinces are found in the north-eastern, central and south-eastern regions. The poorest performing ones are along the northern border area and in the south-central and Central Highlands regions. This pattern has been consistent since 2011.

“We hope the nation-wide survey results help the 2016-2021 administration benchmark future performance,” said Dr. Dang Ngoc Dinh, Director of the Centre for Community Support and Development Studies (CECODES).


Notes for editors:

The Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) is a policy monitoring tool that reflects citizen experiences with central to local governments in performing their governance, public administration and public service delivery functions. PAPI measures six dimensions: participation at local levels, transparency, vertical accountability, control of corruption, public administrative procedures and public service delivery. The survey has been implemented nationwide each year since 2011.

PAPI is a collaboration between the Centre for Community Support and Development Studies (CECODES), the Centre for Research and Training of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front (VFF-CRT) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The PAPI initiative has been co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and UNDP since 2011. The full 2015 PAPI Report and more in-depth analysis can be accessed at:

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Nguyen Viet Lan

UN Communications Team

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Nguyen Viet Lan

Nguyễn Việt Lan

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