Thông cáo báo chí

20–year Implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Viet Nam - The way ahead

24 tháng 6 2015

  • Ha Noi, 24th June 2015 – The importance of continuously investing in gender equality in achieving progress for all was stressed today at a national dialogue held by Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) and the United Nations to mark the 20 years of implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Viet Nam. The event bought together over 200 participants, including Viet Nam Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, former Vice President Truong My Hoa, representatives from MOLISA and other ministries, National Assembly, Fatherland Font, Famers' Union, Socio-political Organizations, the UN in Viet Nam, bilateral and multilateral donors, as well as NGOs and the media.

The Platform for Action adopted at the 4th World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 envisioned a world where each woman and girl can exercise her freedom and potentials. In this regard, governments, civil society organizations and the public have translated the Platform for Action's promises into concrete changes in individual countries.

With the purpose of taking stock of the achivements and challenges during the 20-year implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Viet Nam, the event was an opportunity for the participants to discuss and contribute ideas for Viet Nam to achieve the vision of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Viet Nam.

Opening the event, H.E Mme Pham Thi Hai Chuyen, Minister of MOLISA and Chairperson of the National Committee for the Advancement of Women in Viet Nam stressed "Viet Nam has widely implemented the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action with strong commitment of the State and the Government. Viet Nam has achieved some Millennium Development Goals including the goal on gender equality and the advancement of women. We are developing practical solutions periodically for the implementation of the Platform in Viet Nam."

Speaking at the dialogue, Ms. Pratibha Mehta, United Nations Resident Coordinator to Viet Nam said "We are at a historic moment with world leaders set to decide the post 2015 development agenda. Creating a world with greater equality for generations to come is the defining and most urgent challenge of this century. Equality for women and girls is not just a dream. It is a duty of governments, the United Nations and everyone around us."

Closing the event, State and government leaders and the UN both remain committed to working together to ensure an equal society for women and girls to develop their full potentials, and because empowering women is empowering humanity.

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UN Women
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UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

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