Thông cáo báo chí

Enhanced Results-Based Management for the 2016-2020 Action Plan for Gender Equality

03 tháng 2 2016

  • Ha Noi, 3 February 2016 – The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) taskforce for the development of the 2016-2020 Gender Action Plan critically reviewed the preceding 2012-2015 Action Plan, applying new gender responsive planning and results-based management (RBM) skills during the UNESCO-MOET training workshop.

The integration of gender responsive results-based management is a crucial step forward towards the preparation of the post-2015 Action Plan on Gender Equality for the Education Sector and for the Plan to achieve effective, relevant, quality results.

Under the framework of the Gender Equality and Girls' Education Initiative in Viet Nam, a total of 35 participants, including MOET taskforce members and officers from additional functional departments of the Ministry, took part in the Gender Responsive RBM Training Workshop in preparation for developing the 2016-2020 Gender Action Plan.

Through presentations on gender responsiveness and RBM, a mutual understanding and vision was built among participants with the introduction of basic RBM concepts, including steps and strategic tools for developing "SMART" goals, expected results, indicators and means of verification. Their analysis of the previous 2012-2015 Gender Action Plan evaluated the strengths, weaknesses and key issues that need to be addressed in the coming Gender Action Plan.

Through highly-engaging activities, participants discussed key issues including gender bias and stereotypes; gender equality awareness in education; gender disparity in the labour force of the Education Sector; and education opportunities for girls living in disadvantaged areas. Participants recommended that key topics such as school violence and bullying, comprehensive sexuality education and the adequate selection of subjects and vocational training be better addressed in the 2016-2020 Action Plan.

H.E Vice Minister Nguyen Thi Nghia, Chair of the Education Sector Committee for the Advancement of Women (CFAW), highlighted the significance and impact of training and capacity building on gender responsive approaches and RBM as tools to ensure the equal rights of all boys and girls to education. The Vice Minister further emphasized that such learning opportunities allowed for the sharing of best practices and lessons learned with the taskforce and CFAW, strengthening the quality and effectiveness of the Action Plan.

Addressing the audience, Ms. Katherine Müller-Marin, UNESCO Representative to Viet Nam, stressed the responsibility of the taskforce in "ensuring that girls and women have opportunities to pursue quality education, especially those in isolated, remote, ethnic minority and extremely difficult areas". Ms. Muller-Marin added that "creativity, enthusiasm, teamwork and the capacity to engage in dialogues with the beneficiaries of the Action Plan to ensure their active participation from the beginning of the development of the Plan" are essential drivers for the development of an effective and impactful Action Plan.

An evaluation of the training workshop measured participants' satisfaction with the materials and methodologies used, qualifying them as provoking and highly informative. Members of the taskforce expressed that they are now better equipped with gender responsive and RBM knowledge and tools to enhance the quality of the 2016-2020 Gender Action Plan.

Gender equality and girls' and women's education is a development priority of Viet Nam and one of the critical factors contributing to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Tran Thi Phuong Nhung, Gender Programme Manager, at tt.nhung(at)

Dung Nguyen pic.JPG

Nguyễn Thị Dung

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