Thông cáo báo chí

Launch of the National Communication Campaign: "Eliminating Sexual Violence against Women and Girls"

24 tháng 11 2015

  • HA NOI, November 24, 2015 – Violence against women and girls undermines family stability and solidarity, and is one of the gravest violations of human rights. Urgent global action is needed to address it.

Here in Viet Nam, the National Study on Domestic Violence against Women, released by the General Statistics Office and the United Nations in Viet Nam in 2010, showed that 58 per cent of ever-married women had experienced at least one form of violence (physical, mental or sexual) at some point in their lives. Approximately 50 per cent of victims did not tell anyone about the violence they endured, and 87 per cent did not seek help from public services.

Sexual harassments and abuses are under-reported. The national statistics about sexual violence is not available, yet, data from small scale studies shows that 87% of women and girls have been sexually harassed in public; nearly 30% of sex workers said they had been victims of sexual violence and 22% have experienced sexual coercion; 10% of married women have been sexually assaulted by their spouses.

Violence against women and girls not only has serious impacts on the physical and spiritual well-being of victims, but also has enormous socio-economic costs. A recent UN study showed that the cost of gender-based violence against women in Viet Nam, in out of pocket expenditures and lost earnings represented nearly 1.5 per cent of national GDP in 2012. The social costs, however, are even greater as violence against women significantly reduces social cohesion and community resilience. Violence against women and girls hampers economic growth and the ability to reduce poverty across the nation.

Viet Nam has a solid legal framework in place to address gender equality and gender-based violence, as well as legal instruments in place to guide the implementation of the existing laws. However, much more needs to be done to ensure that the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control is further reinforced and implemented effectively to help end all violence against women and girls.

To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Security, Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour, Farmers' Union and Women's Union in collaboration with the United Nations in Viet Nam and other development partners have come together today to launch the national campaign "Elimination of Sexual Violence against Women and Girls". The campaign aims to raise awareness of public on sexual violence and calls on the public, particularly men and boys, to take action against sexual violence, including sexual harassment.

Addressing the launching event, Mr. Huynh Vinh Ai, Vice Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, leading agency in addressing violence against women and girls in Viet Nam said: "Preventing and ending sexual violence against women and girls, either in the society or within the family, is a great concern of all countries in the world. At the global forum, sexual violence is the violation of human rights and dignity, violation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) that Viet Nam has already signed".

Ms. Pratibha Mehta, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Viet Nam, said: "The topic of sexual violence is often considered too sensitive to discuss in public particularly because prejudices against victims of sexual violence are very prevalent. Victims of sexual violence who are blamed for getting abused, they are stigmatized as morally loose women so they keep silence. So often, people see flirtation, sexual harassment of women and girls is normal - something that men and boys do! The silence surrounding sexual violence must stop".

The campaign consists of a series of activities organized from 9 November to 11 December 2015 including policy dialogues, workshops, concerts, competitions, street dance, social media activities in 11 cities and provinces of Ha Noi, Hai Duong, Quang Tri, Hue, Da Nang, Dak Lak, Gia Lai, Can Tho, Tay Ninh, Ben Tre and Ho Chi Minh City and awareness raising via mass and social media with nationwide coverage. Detailed information about the events is outlined in the attached Campaign Information Sheet.

Now it is the time take action to end violence against women and girls. Together, we can make Viet Nam safer and more equitable for women and girls. Let's work together and "Let's shed light on sexual violence – She may be your beloved".

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